Photo by Roven Images from Unsplash
A slightly belated New Year's wish -- belated because my computer was sick. First it told me it was updating my X-box . . . except that I don't have an X-box. Then it said it was updating my pictures, and I couldn't open them because it was updating, etc., etc.
So I called the Geek Squad. You know you're in trouble when THEY say your problem is "weird." Microsoft came through, however. After three hours of remote control by a lovely man in New Delhi, the computer is working better than ever.
Instead of resolutions this year, I've decided to set goals – such as spending more time in my studio, exercising more, and finishing up all the little irritating things in my house.
But I'm going to break down these goals into doable monthly bites. In an online marketing class I took with Lisa Call (a fantastic teacher and coach!), we wrote down monthly goals then did a review at the end of the month. Not just artistic or business goals, but health, family and friends, self-growth, etc.
The trick is to set a goal that is doable. Not "clean out every closet in the house" but "clean out the bedroom closet and under the kitchen sink." There is such a sense of accomplishment at the end of the month. And if you didn't meet your goals, you can analyze the reasons and make corrections for the next month.
Try it! You might be surprised at the end of the year how much you accomplished! And have a wonderful, happy, productive 2020!