It's hard to know what to say in this time of such total upending of all our lives – at least, what hasn't already been said. We've been told a hundred times to wash our hands, stay at home, practice social distancing, etc. But what about feeding the soul?
That's where art comes in -- either making it or viewing it.
There are many museums that have virtual tours of their galleries, which is wonderful. True, it's not the same as seeing it in person, but . . . we'll take what we can get. Great art feeds the soul and expands our horizons. It reminds us that "this, too, shall pass."
Making art feeds the soul, too. Do you think you can't draw? All children have total confidence in their drawing and painting ability. They take it for granted. . . until they are told that you draw a tree like THIS and a house like THAT. And a person isn't purple and a cat isn't taller than a house. In short, until their confidence and joy in making art is shriveled up like a raisin. When they become adults, they "can't draw."
If that happened to you, take back your creativity! If you have extra time on your hands while you're "sheltering in place," grab a pencil and some paper and just make marks! No expectations. No criticism – just you and the pencil and that little ember of joy in your heart that still pulses when you think about creating.
We'll get through this pandemic – and maybe not just endure it, but gain something too. Be safe. Kudos to those courageous people who are continuing to do their jobs on the front lines.